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Another year older…

…and now reaching a bit of a quandry in my life.  I’m about to turn 57 (on Sunday next).  That in itself is no great milestone.  But it has given rise to a new passion in my life and one I think will fit hand in hand with port.

I’ve long been a fan of sailing ships.  Not to actually sail them or even ride in one – quite frankly neither appeals to me; I’m more of a cruise ship kinda guy.  ;-) My interests lie more in the building of same – specifically wooden models.

Quite some time ago I tried building a Cutty Sark.  To those of you that don’t know, it is one of three remaing clipper ships of its era (mid-1800′s) still around.  Very large and very grandiose.  However, having not done any model building since my more formative early teen years, I’m not sure why I chose a wooden, highly complex, almost-no-instructions-included ship as my first attempt.  But…the picture on the box was impressive and being full of vim and vigor I thought what the heck.  How hard can it be?

It was a very rude awakening.  Suffice it to say that the ribs barely came into contact with the keel before I decided I was Way out of my league.  It got sold at a garage sale and life carried on.  Fast forward 25 or so years.

The Bluenose II has now come into my possession along with time and wisdom.  This project is going to spawn another blog (link to be updated soon) because I truly believe there is not only much to be learned, but much to share as well.  But what does this new hobby have to do with port?  I have 6 ships that I really want to build – The Bluenose II (a ship that is much more geared to a beginner such as myself), a Pirate ship (such as The Black Pearl!), a Chinese Junk (simply because I happen to really like the look), a Viking Ship (any collection should have at least one I think), the Cutty Sark (to prove to myself I can actually do it) and last (and hopefully second to be built) something that would be fitting as a transport ship that carried port from Portugal to Britain in the early 1700′s.  That’s going to take some research but if any of you have any suggestions, I would be happy to receive all of them.

I have my own version of a wine cellar in my basement.  Not decked to the nines as many are, but it exists and is kept cooler than the rest of the house.  To this end it has worked well for storing my port and my wine.  It has an empty spot just above Death Row that would be absolutely perfect to display a representation of an 18th century cargo ship.

Oh…what is Death Row you ask?  It is that row (or rows) of port/wine that shall be enjoyed next.  Typically it holds bottles that are ‘doubles’.  I’m a firm believer that any good port (or wine) should be purchased at least two at a time (finances permitting).  One to enjoy fairly soon and one to rest over time.  Death Row provides an area to keep tabs on what I want/need to experience next without disturbing those that need their rest.  Having said that, there are holes in my collection created by ports that met their fate with dignity and appreciation.  And so the search continues to replenish and refill.

~ by EPA on February 13, 2012.

Thoughts for the day

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